Michael Chary, MD, PhD
Michael Chary, MD, PhD

Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology Physician-Scientist at @ED_WCMC @WCMEmergency


Exposure to other coronaviruses does not give immunity against SARS-CoV-2
BinaxNOW antigen testing can be used in asymptomatic individuals. Is it ready for prime time?
Moderna vaccine phase III trial results released in New England Journal of Medicine (breaking)
Moderna vaccine phase III trial results released in New England Journal of Medicine
Closing primary and secondary schools probably won't decrease covid-19 cases
Was there an increase in overdose-related cardiac arrests during the pandemic? Maybe
Lessons from Sweden: don’t combine covid-19 and crowded conditions
Excess Deaths in the United States among the worst when compared to similar nations
Heart Dysfunction
Brain Fog
Long-Haulers and Post-viral Syndromes
Long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Heart and Mind
The body's reaction to covid-19 may be, in parts, counterproductive
Comparing current vaccine candidates
How many children are asymptomatic carriers of SARS-CoV-2?
Does wearing eyeglasses provide protection from SARS-CoV-2?
A primer on vaccine development
Minorities account for an outsized proportion of covid-19 hospitalizations
A toxicologist's view on proposals for oleander to treat covid-19
Experiments with Icatibant show promise in treating covid-19 lung disease
Brief19 extra:
Some patients have more severe covid-19 than others. A study suggests genetics play a role
Preprints. How are the major medical journals handling them?
Data from Italy suggests that covid-19 deaths are being undercounted there too
Asymptomatic testing in nursing homes reveals many cases
Coronavirus vaccine based on genetic material reports Phase 1 results
A Spike in Demand for Hydroxychloroquine
Excess deaths associated with covid-19
An old drug, colchicine may help covid-19 patients
New antiviral drug candidates targeting the SARS-CoV-2 lifecycle
Dosing in covid-19 treatments for kids may be a challenge. Simulations may help.
Toxicities of possible covid-19 treatments. A review